The 2025 Best Places to Work in Connecticut registration is closed! For 2026 program information click here!


Employee Feedback Data Dashboard

This report is what you’ll receive when you participate in our program, and it’s the real bread and butter of what we offer you. Reports such as this can cost upwards of $10,000 if done by an independent workplace research firm, but you’re getting it included with your participation.

Here’s what you get:

Phone Call A 30-minute phone call with our Survey Professional will help you go through the results and get answers to questions.

Online Data Dashboard This is a place where you can get all your data in the ways you need it, including downloading it in charts and graphs. Sample>>

Workforce Feedback Results This quantitative report reflects the perceptions of respondents to each question on the employee survey, both system-wide and segmented within various demographics of the population. Sample>>

Employee Verbatims Any responses to open-ended survey questions are contained in this report. Sample>>

Workforce Benchmark Comparisons This report averages the percentage of employees’ positive responses to each survey question from all participating organizations, presented in aggregate by all competitors that did and did not make the list. Sample>>

Benefits & Best Practices Report This report provides the percentage of winning and non-winning organizations that offer various employee benefits and workplace practices. Sample>>


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